Birmingham 0121 769 0326
Worcester 01905 928 019
Malvern 01684 325 012
Bromsgrove 01527 337054
Are you having problems with condensation in your home, business or any other property? Climate Solutions are experts in dealing with building problems of all kinds in Malvern, Bromsgrove, Worcester and Birmingham.
Damp of any kind can cause problems in your home. When moisture collects in the air and then is attracted to cooler surfaces such as windows and walls, the damage can range from black spots of mildew, mould and rotting timber.
The water in the air accumulates from everyday tasks and respiration. There are ways of reducing condensation by through adequate ventilation and making sure that in activities such as cooking, washing and drying clothes, the water that evaporates is directed outside.
Good ventilation is key to keeping this problem under control, and a Climate Control survey can assess where more airflow may be needed, and pinpoint any particular problem areas around the property.
Don’t put up with damp walls and windowsills ruining your décor and making the house an unpleasant place to live, find out how you can tackle the problem and be condensation free.
The range of services we provide can keep your home or business in top condition and free from many of the issues that can cause major damage if left untreated, and leave you with an unwanted repair bill.
Call us today for a fully qualified survey of any rising damp, dry or wet rot, or infestation and you could avoid the cost and inconvenience of extensive repair and treatment work.
If you have persistent problems with damp or woodworm, we can treat timber and use specialist plaster to provide a long lasting solution.
We are a helpful family firm and we specialise in keeping your property free of problem condensation in Malvern, Worcester, Bromsgrove, Birmingham and across the region.